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June 4, 2010

0630. At this time of day, most people are in bed. They are resting their heads on a plush pillow, nestled in their warm beds in a dark room.

This is not the case for the men of the 0630 Garage Gym as Prescribed at SICFIT Austin. These men have taken it upon themselves to become lions of men. They will wake up with the Sun, travel to the holy grail of garage gyms and make small daily improvements that will result in big overall gains.

If you consider yourself an athlete, ask yourself if you have what it takes. Do you have what it takes to put the right foods in your body day in and day out? Do you have what it takes to wake up at an hour most “normal” people would consider “ungodly”? Do you have the mental fortitude and the physical willpower to push your body, mind and soul to their outermost limits?

Talk to these men and find out what they have. 0630.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. sarah permalink
    June 4, 2010 3:17 am

    What about the women of Sic Fit?

  2. June 5, 2010 1:57 am

    6:30 AM?? That’s SIC! Those guys are beasts!

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